Board of Directors:
1. STEPHENY WALKER (German) – Executive Chairman
2. KWAGHKULE SOLOMON (Nigerian) – Managing Director
3. UZA PETER (Nigerian) – Executive Director
4. AGATHA Akpoghor (Nigerian) – Executive Director
5. KWAGHKULE PHILIP (Nigerian) – Executive Director
6. SONTYO STEPHEN (Nigerian) – Directo
STEPHENY WALKER (German) – Executive Chairman
Mrs. Walker has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Management and A Master's Degree in Business administration, she has over ten years of extensive experience in the provision of industrial & technical services. She has now brought all the technical know-how and experience to play in the affairs of AGATSOLO GROUP industrial and technical service.
She has worked in over five different countries which include Britain, the USA, Canada, and Spain among other countries. She has attended several international and in-house training courses. As the Chairman, she is also involved in the administration of the
KWAGHKULE SOLOMON (Nigerian) – Managing Director
Chief. Kwaghkule obtained a Bachelor of Science Degree in Geography, a postgraduate degree in Automobile Techniques, also a postgraduate degree in customer relationship management, and an advanced Diploma in industrial safety and risk management. He has over Seventeen years of extensive experience having worked in several organizations including NIMET Makurdi - ASAO motors Kaduna, Dantata & Sawoe construction company Abuja, MNL/ASAO Motors, Mandilas Toyota and now the Chief Executive Officer Agatsolo Group. He has attended several managerial courses, he is also an associate member of the Nigerian Institute of Managers (chartered) and a fellow; Nigeria-certified customer service relation.
He is highly experienced in customer and human relationship management; he is a safety and automobile consultant and a Business Development Consultant. He is responsible for the day-to-day running of the organization
as the GMD/CEO.
UZA PETER (Nigerian) – Executive Director
Mr. Uza Peter Holds a Bachelor's Degree in Cooperative and Economic Development, he is the Executive Director of Personnel and Administration. He has over Twenty-Five years of Human capital management and Administration with Peugeot Automobile Nigeria where He works as a Personnel and Admin officer. He has worked with several organizations including PAN Nigeria, and Meritland Nigeria Limited.
He is responsible for human capital management and development in the company
AGATHA AKPOGHOR (Nigerian) – Executive Director
KWAGHKULE PHILIP (Nigerian) – Director
SONTYO STEPHEN (Nigerian) – Director
Mr. SONTYO has a Bachelor of Science Degree in accountancy and a Master's Degree in Financial Management a Chartered Accountant with over fifteen years of extensive experience in the world economy and commerce industry. He has worked with SIM Group of companies, Bank PHB, SPARC (Foreign Donor Agent), Society for Family Heath, SOO60, and EDC Sokoto among other establishments. He is the Executive Director of Finance and Account of Agatsolo Group.
As the ED Finance and account, he is in charge of the day-to-day management of the organization's
Management Team:
1. KWAGHKULE SOLOMON – Managing Director
2. UZA PETER – Executive Director, Personnel/Admin
3. NICHOLAS MUSA – General Manager
4. BRUCE LEE DIRECTOR – Import/Export
5. ENG. INNOCENT MOSES – Manager, Engineering & Site/Equipment
6. AGATHA AKPOGHOR – Sales/Marketing
7. SOLOMON – Director, Finance
8. SHAAPERA MOSES – Head, Technical
9. BARR. CATHRINE ISHU – Company Secretary & Legal Adviser
KWAGHKULE SOLOMON – Group Managing Director
Chief. Kwaghkule obtained a Bachelor of Science Degree in Geography, a postgraduate degree in Automobile Techniques, a postgraduate degree in customer relationship management, and also an advanced Diploma in industrial safety and risk management. He has over Seventeen years of extensive experience having worked in several organizations including NIMET Makurdi - ASAO motors Kaduna, Dantata & Sawoe construction company Abuja, MNL/ASAO Motors, Mandilas Toyota, and now the Chief Executive Officer Agatsolo Group. He has attended several managerial courses, he is also an associate member of the Nigerian Institute of Managers (chartered) and a fellow; Nigeria-certified customer service relation.
He is highly experienced in customer and human relationship management; he is a safety and automobile consultant and a Business Development Consultant. He is responsible for the day-to-day running of the organization
as the GMD/CEO.
UZA PETER – Executive Director, Personnel/Admin
Mr. Uza Peter Holds a Bachelor's Degree in Cooperative and Economic Development, he is the Executive Director of Personnel and Administration. He has over Twenty-Five years of Human capital management and Administration with Peugeot Automobile Nigeria where He works as a Personnel and Admin officer. He has worked with several organizations including PAN Nigeria, and Meritland Nigeria Limited.
He is responsible for human capital management and development in the company
NICHOLAS MUSA – General Manager
Mr. MUSA is a graduate of Economic and corporate Management; he has a master's Degree in Accountancy with over ten years of extensive experience in the industry. He has worked with several organizations including Peugeot Automobile Kaduna. He has excellent communication skills and is very knowledgeable in the accounting process.
He is a financial management consultant.
BRUCE LEE – Executive Director, Import/Export
ENG. INNOCENT MOSES – Manager, Engineering & Site/Equipment
Eng. INNOCENT MOSES holds BSC. Degree in Mechanical engineering, other certificates obtained by him include:
* ISO 9000 quality assurance system and auditor training course.
* Industrial pollution management technique.
* Fire & safety technique.
* NSE, IFE certificate on plant maintenance
* NSE certificate on high voltage, power supply.
* NSE certificate on 2D and web design.
* Air Condition maintenance,
He has over fifteen years of extensive experience in Printing and design with Equipment maintenance. As the ED Project and engineer, he is in charge of printing, design, Maintenance and project monitoring.
AGATHA AKPOGHOR – Executive Director, Sales/Marketing
SOLOMON – Executive Director, Finance
SHAAPERA MOSES – Head, Technical
Shaapera Moses is a mechanical engineer with over Twelve years of engineering experience; he has a series of professional courses, as a head of the technical assistance team in the organization, he ensures the successful operation of outdoor services.
BARR. CATHRINE ISHU – Company Secretary & Legal Adviser